
Hey, my name is Dennis Hamming, and I’m the founder of SERPTrust!

I’ve been active in the SEO industry for 12 years and served over two thousand customers with a wide range of link-building services that have evolved over the years.

Like most people, I started at the Warrior Forum in 2012 and launched my first service there, a PBN service. Back then, I operated under the brand SEO Service Group I founded.

The timing was impeccable as I did it right after large networks such as BMR (BuildMyRank) went down, and I became one of the top sellers in just six months’ time.

After PBNs dropped in popularity and effectiveness, I focused on my Amazon affiliate sites and quickly got them to generate $10,000+/month in passive income.

Unfortunately, that didn’t last because Amazon banned me from their program, there was a logo trademark infringement, and Amazon confiscated nearly $30,000 of unpaid commissions.

Therefore, I returned to the service industry and launched a guest post service. People already knew me, so my entrance into the guest post industry went smoothly, and here we are today.

My core focus is link-building through personalized outreach and expanding our compact database of quality sites.

Our new platform, SERPTrust

I built the platform primarily myself with some help from more experienced programmers.

You can register to look inside, and once you reach a deposit threshold of $500, all the websites in the database will reveal themselves for a full year without any other action needed on your part.

I understand that not everyone has such a budget immediately available, so I added screenshots of every website so that you can locate the sites yourself in Google to do your due diligence.

In addition to homepage screenshots, you’ll find organic traffic charts on the order form.

That way, you can see how healthy the sites genuinely are.

A compact database

There aren’t unlimited quality sites that accept guest posts for a fee.

When you apply the quality standards we do, the database will always hover around a thousand sites.

Sites with healthy traffic charts, ranking for meaningful keywords, and robust backlink profiles are not abundant like some link vendors make you believe when they advertise their inventory of thousands or ten thousand of sites.

A range of features

The filter options are second to none, the database is 100% clear of spam, and there are indicators when a site links out to casino sites or has other less desirable footprints, such as ‘write for us.’ However, we keep such sites to an absolute minimum and only include the best ones.

The country where most of the search traffic originates from is indicated. I categorized the websites based on the keywords they rank for instead of blindly going off on the website’s navigation items. This way, it becomes effortless to catch repurposed domains.

In other words, you don’t even need to leave our site to do your own research. All the information you need is right on the database overview page.


The information in the reviews is not exactly accurate anymore because some were published a few years ago. Still, I’m proud they chose to include or mention us:








A few last words

If you need links and care about quality, I’m your partner.

Click the register button at the top of this page to get started.